Children’s Amblyopia Screening Near Rexburg, ID


At Affleck MD Eye Care near Rexburg, ID, Dr. Affleck believes that every child deserves the gift of clear vision and a bright future and is proud to offer state-of-the-art screening for amblyopia, commonly known as lazy eye.

What Dr. Affleck Can Do

Amblyopia is a common vision disorder that affects millions of children worldwide, but with early detection and intervention, its impact can be minimized or even reversed. Dr. Affleck does proactive screening for amblyopia as a prioritized part of pediatric eye care services. His advanced screening methods make it possible to detect amblyopia in its earliest stages for timely intervention.

Here, at Affleck MD Eye Care, experienced and compassionate eye care professionals specialize in pediatric ophthalmology. With a superior children’s amblyopia screening, you can rest assured that your child’s vision is in expert hands.

Dr. Affleck leverages the latest advancements in technology to deliver personalized care tailored to your child’s unique needs. State-of-the-art screening tools are available which allow assessing visual acuity, eye alignment, and depth perception with precision and accuracy, enabling early detection of amblyopia and other vision problems.

Dr. Affleck understands the importance of peace of mind when it comes to your child’s health and well-being. That’s why he strives to empower parents with knowledge and support every step of the way. From educating you about the importance of an amblyopia exam to guiding you through the treatment process, Dr. Affleck will answer your questions, address your concerns, and partner with you in nurturing your child’s vision for a lifetime of clear sight and endless possibilities.

Don’t wait until vision problems arise. Take proactive steps to protect your child’s vision and ensure a bright future. Schedule a children’s amblyopia exam with Affleck MD Eye Care today and give your child the gift of clear sight and boundless opportunities.