FTC’s Eyeglass and Contact Lens Rules
If you get a fitting for glasses or contact lenses, Dr. Affleck must give you a copy of your prescription – whether you ask for it or not. It’s the law. You have a choice. You don’t have to buy glasses or contacts from Dr. Affleck. You can use the prescription to buy glasses or contacts wherever they are sold.
All eye care providers must give you your prescription for glasses at the end of your eye exam. Your contact lens prescription is given when your fitting is complete. A fitting normally requires more than one appointment. You need to return about two weeks after your fitting.
Eye glasses and contact lenses each has a 12 month expiration date. The reason for this is they are medical devices that must be monitored.
Purchase within 90 days
Common standard is if you purchase your glasses or contacts from someone other than Dr. Affleck within 60 days and your prescription is not correct we will do the following:
- You must leave the glasses with the optical tech to evaluation the prescription. Depending on the day the glasses may need to be left for only an hour up to a day.
- If the prescription is correct to what has been written, Dr. Affleck will re-refract (one time) for Free. The re-refract must take place within 60 days of original test.
- If the prescription is incorrect, the glasses will be given back to the patient without any additional testing.
Purchase Over 90 to 180 days
- You must leave the glasses with the optical tech to evaluation the prescription. Depending on the day the glasses may need to be left for only an hour up to a day.
- If the prescription is correct to what has been written, Dr. Affleck will re-refract (one time) for a discounted fee of $35. The re-refract must take place within 60 to 180 days of original test. Only the re-refraction will be performed.
- If the prescription is incorrect, the glasses will be given back to the patient without any additional testing
Purchase Over 180 TO 365 days
- You must leave the glasses with the optical techto evaluation the prescription. Depending on the day the glasses may need to be left for only an hour up to a day.
- If the prescription is correct to what has been written, Dr. Affleck will re-refract (one time) for a discounted fee of $86. The re-refract must take place within 180 to 365 days of original test.
- If the prescription is incorrect, the glasses will be given back to the patient without any additional testing
You must consult with Dr. Affleck with an additional exam if you are out of your trail period if you wish to change your contact lens brand, modality (such as, from bi-weekly contacts to daily contacts), or other parameters of your contact lenses.
What Is In This Article
Nearsightedness (myopia)

Blurred vision (astigmatism)

Farsightedness (hyperopia)

Loss of close-up vision (presbyopia)

A contact lens is a medical device in contact with the tissues of your eye; therefore, it must fit appropriately to maintain the health of your eyes. A contact lens prescription can only be determined by the careful observation of the lens on the eye and the eye’s response to the lens on follow-up visits. Since follow-up care is essential, it is your responsibility to keep all appointments and follow all lens care instructions.
Before a patient can be fitted with contact lenses, a complete medical and refractive eye examination is necessary. This exam is critical to assure the good health of your eyes and to rule out the possibility of any unsuspected, underlying condition that may prevent contact lens use.
The goal of contact lens fitting is to find the most appropriate contact lens for each patient’s optimal vision and comfort. An enormous variety of types, materials, sizes and colors are offered. Although many patients will need only one fitting session, sometimes this process requires several appointments. All patients being fit into contacts must go through a new fitting evaluation or re-fit evaluation. We will not finalize the contact lens prescription until both the patient and the doctor are satisfied with the fit and visual acuity of the contact lens. We will provide one set of trial lens if available or in stock. If any additional lenses are necessary, there will be a dispensing fee to cover the cost of the lens and shipping charges. Any patients who are changing design or type of contact lens also get a new fitting evaluation. A contact lens fitting does not have to be performed on the day of the comprehensive eye exam and can be performed in an additional appointment slot.
The patient will be provided with personalized instruction concerning the safe care and usage of contact lenses. If additional time is needed, it will be necessary to schedule a second 30-minute training session at a different time. Once a successful insertion and removal of the contact lenses is accomplished, the patient may begin wearing the contact lenses and we will schedule the first follow-up appointment within two weeks. If there is more than one session of contact lens fitting training needed, an additional fee will be charged.
- Follow-up appointments are necessary to assure several things:
- The contact lenses are fitting and moving well
- The prescription is providing the best possible vision
- The eyes are remaining healthy
- There are no problems with insertion or removal
- The patient understands and complies with the recommended wearing schedule
- Prescriptions will NOT be written for patients who do not keep follow up
- Two follow-up appointments are included within the first 60 days after the contact lens
NOTE: Follow up-visits are not included in medically necessary specialty contact lens fitting.

There are two general categories of contact lenses – soft and rigid gas permeable (RGP). All contact lenses require a valid prescription.
- Soft Contact Lenses
- Rigid Gas Permeable (RGP) Contact Lenses
- Extended Wear Contact Lenses
- Disposable (Replacement Schedule) Contact Lenses
- Lens Comparison
- Specialized Uses of Contact Lenses
Information provided by U.S. Food and Drug Administration
By law, a contact lens prescription is valid for only one year. All patients are required to come in for an annual contact lens exam. This is necessary to assure that the patient’s eyes remain healthy and the contact lenses are still fitting well. Contact lens prescriptions cannot be renewed without an annual exam. If we are seeing you for the first time, and you have had a contact lens prescription from another office, we must have a copy of that prescription the day of your exam in this office. Otherwise, we will consider it a new fitting, which we may not have time to complete in your initial visit, and additional charges, will apply. Contact lens exams have a separate charge that is NOT included in your medical exam or routine eye exam.
It is the law and our policy that all contact wearers are seen every year for a contact lens examination. If you are a new patient to our office it is helpful if you can provide the prescription for the lenses that you are currently wearing. If there are no problems or changes in lenses, the cost of this service starts at $100 and increases depending on the complexity and type of contact lenses. This charge is in addition to the cost of the comprehensive exam and eye glass prescription.
The fitting fee, which includes two (2) follow ups within the first 60 days, is determined by the type of lenses prescribed,
the difficulty of the fitting, and whether or not the patient is a first time contact lens wearer. Follow-up visits are not included in specialty medical contact lens fittings (post-surgical, keratoconus, etc) and will be charged medical co-pays as applicable. THIS FEE IS NON REFUNDABLE AND DUE AT THE TIME OF SERVICE. We can discuss lens options and prices in more detail once the initial examination is completed.
The fitting fee includes:
- The contact lens fitting
- Two Follow ups visits up to 60 days for non-specialty contacts fittings
- Lens changes if necessary, though the patient is responsible for any difference in cost of the contact
- lenses supply
- Contact lenses (Costs will vary depending on type of lens prescribed)
- The comprehensive eye exam
- Medical visits not directly related to contact lens wear even within 60 days from the fitting
- Contact lens checks after 60 days or more than two (2) visits before 60 days
- Eye glass prescription
Government Websites
- Contact Lens Solutions With Hydrogen Peroxide: To Avoid Injury, Follow All Instructions
- What To Know If Your Child Wants Contact Lenses
- “Colored” and Decorative Contact Lenses: A Prescription Is A Must
- Healthy Contact Lens Wear and Care
- Contact Lens Health Week
- Decorative, Non-corrective Contact Lenses – Guidance for Industry, FDA Staff, Eye Care Professionals, and Consumers (PDF – 55KB)
- FDA Letter to Firms with Marketing Clearance for No-rub Multipurpose Contact Lens Solutions
- Focusing on Contact Lens Safety
- Guidance for Industry: Preparing a Color Additive Petition for Submission to the Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition for Color Additives Used in or on Contact Lenses
- FTC – Prescription Glasses and Contact Lenses
- Federal Trade Commission Facts for Business: The Contact Lens Rule: a Guide for Prescribers and Sellers
- FDA Teams Up for Novel Campaign on Risks of Decorative Contact Lenses
- Information on Eye Wear
- Information on LASIK Eye Surgery
- Information on Phakic Intraocular Lenses
- FDA MedWatch Reporting Program
- Reporting Unlawful Sales of Medical Products on the Internet
- Reporting of Allegations of Regulatory Misconduct Form
- Federal Trade Commission Consumer Complaint Form
Non-Government Websites
- The American Academy of OphthalmologyExternal Link Disclaimer
- American Academy of OptometryExternal Link Disclaimer
- American Optometric AssociationExternal Link Disclaimer
- Contact Lens Association of Ophthalmologists (CLAO)External Link Disclaimer
- CLAO – Contact Lens DoctorsExternal Link Disclaimer
- Contact Lens Manufacturers Association – GP Contact LensesExternal Link Disclaimer
During your eye exam, after performing a series of tests with the latest diagnostic equipment. Dr. Affleck may preform a refraction test. After Affleck MD Eye Care will provide you with the appropriate glasses prescription based on your unique needs.
IF AFFLECK, M.D. EYE CARE PRESCRIPTION IS FILLED ELSEWHERE; and an Rx change is needed, we will not be responsible for any charges incurred. Most reputable optical dispensaries allow doctor Rx changes at no charge, but it is up to the patient to inquire about such policies in advance of purchase.
If you need a re-check on your prescription, we will gladly comply in the following conditions
- The opticians is given an advanced scheduled business day to evaluate the glasses and appointment is scheduled.
- If the prescription is found to be accurate, an appointment is made to verify the measurements of wearer are correct.
- If the measurement are found accurate, a re-check will be scheduled with Dr. Affleck and not charge if the re-check is within 30 days of the original paid refraction test (vision prescription test)****
Step 1: Clean your new lenses before you put your glasses on for the first time each day. Lens cleaner or clear water and a soft, scratch-free cloth are all you need to keep the lenses clean. Dust and smudges on new lenses will make it harder to adjust.
Step 2: Wear your new glasses all day. Take them off only if you experience a headache or dizziness, and put them on again when the headache or dizziness passes.
Step 3: Turn your head instead of moving your eyes if you’re wearing graduated lens such as bi- or trifocals. This takes a little practice, but after a few days you’ll do it naturally.
Step 4: Put your glasses in their case overnight to keep them safe. Bent frames or scratched lenses will make the adjustment period harder.
Warnings: Report severe headaches or dizziness that continue for more than two weeks to the store you purchased them from.
Our Tips :Tuck your old glasses out of sight so you won’t be tempted to go back to wearing them. Usually manage the transition with minimum fuss. And you’ll end up seeing much better as a result!”

If you have worn your NEW glasses for at least two weeks and you are still experiencing difficulty adjusting to the new correction, have your optician from where you purchases them recheck the lenses to verify they have been made according to the prescription.
If the lenses are correct, then ask to be rechecked by the doctor to see if the prescription needs to be updated.
DO NOT wear your old prescription while trying to get used to a new one. This will make the adjustment period take longer.

Refractive surgery is a more permanent treatment for refractive error.