simulating the vision of those with Macular Degeneration

Common Eye Conditions and How They Affect Your Vision

Understand common eye conditions and how they affect your vision or someone you care for is an important first step. Below is a vision simulator and while it is not exactly how each individual sees, it will provide helpful information.

Common Facts

Two common facts about most eye conditions/disorders

  • Most disorders are related to age and you will not see your vision effected until you are a senior.
  • Many disorders do not have symptoms until the damage is present and none revisable.

Medical insurance normally does not cover eye exams without medical eye conditions. Routine eye exams are more like a screening and are not always comprehensive. You must invest in your eye health. Get the correct eye exams in the time table suggested by the American Academy of Ophthalmology.

When to Have Regular Eye Exams

  • Adults under 40 years old whose eyes are healthy and vision is good should have a complete exam by an ophthalmologist every five to 10 years. Or remember it this way: have a complete eye exam once in your 20s and twice in your 30s.
  • It’s very important to get a baseline comprehensive eye exam at age 40, even for people who have no symptoms or known risk factors for eye disease.
  • It’s important to have a complete eye exam with your ophthalmologist every year or two after age 65.

Vision Simulator

Click on the arrows below of the Vision Simulator to see what an individual may see.

Normal vision

Images shows an individual with normal vision

Normal Vision

The three most common types of cataracts are Nuclear, Posterior, and Cortical. An individual can have one type of cataracts or a combination of multiple.

Nuclear Sclerotic Cataracts

The lens not only becomes cloudy, but may change the appearance of colors. Normally, the individual will see images with more hues of yellow or green.

Posterior Subcapsular Cataracts

Some individual experience spots on the natural lens that decrease vision. This type of cataract makes reading difficult. Light at nights may also have halos or glare.

Cortical Cataracts

Cortical Cataracts effect the the outer vision and then the center. The cataract is in a “stoke” design like the stokes on a bike. Individuals with cortical cataracts have problems with contrast and vision depth.

Diabetic Retinopathy

Diabetic Individuals are effected by diabetic retinopathy.

Diabetic Retinopathy

Diabetic Retinopathy causes blurry vision and floating spots in their vision.


An individual with glaucoma has blurry or darkened peripheral vision.

Macular Degeneration

Macular Degeneration is age related.

Macular Degeneration

Individuals with macular degeneration have blurry center vision.