Investing in a PanOptix IOL for your cataract replacement lens is like finding a four leaf clover. “A Once In A Life Time Opportunity!”
Can you guess the odds of finding a four leaf clover? 1 in 10,000¹. Therefore, a four leaf clover is a symbol of luck, rarity, and fortune. Cataract surgery provides most individuals with an opportunity that only comes around once in a lifetime.
While Dr. Affleck offer his patient many options for cataract surgery. The “luckiest” is the first FDA approved Trifocal IOL (Nicknamed PanOptix). This IOL formal name is AcrySof® IQ PanOptix® Trifocal Intraocular Lens or AcrySof® IQ PanOptix® Toric Trifocal Intraocular Lens. The crySof® IQ PanOptix® Toric Trifocal Intraocular Lens have additional features that correct for corneal astigmatism. Investing in a PanOptix IOL features and if it is right for you is critical to the outcome of your cataract surgery.
At Affleck M.D. Eye Care we suggest several resource to learn more about the PanOPtix IOL
- An Exam With Dr. Affleck
- Alcon Laboratories, Inc. (creator of the IOL)
- The FDA’s approval of the IOL
- Our Website about the PanOptix
- PanOptix Patient Brochure

- For the most part your eyes are Healthy.
- You have vision in both eyes.
- You are highly motivated not to be dependent on wearing corrective lenses (glasses or contact lenses).
Most Health Insurances will not cover the cost of a Premium IOL. At Affleck M.D. Eye Care we feel your vision is important. We take Care Credit. A program that can allow monthly payments and if paid back in a timely manner, NO INTEREST!
1) What Are Your Chances of Finding a Four-Leaf Clover? by Elizabeth Knowles in the The Science Explorer.