GLAUCOMA (an eye disease) should be a common household word. It is a major health issue. So when I first learned about it, I wanted to start walking through the streets with signs and a megaphone warning others. The first warning I want to shoot is “You could have Glaucoma and not know it!

What an experience, HORRIFING in by book… No pain, no feeling of pressure, no vision loss until there is damage! Now it is too late. Only advanced glaucoma will affect your vision showing you have it. Don’t wait for symptoms to visit Dr. Affleck Today! Proactive eye care is your main defense against glaucoma.

According to the National Eye Institute the estimated numbers of people who will have glaucoma will increase dramatically from 2.7 million (in 2010) to 6.3 million (in 2050).

According to Glaucoma Foundation; Everyone under 40 should have a comprehensive eye examination every three to four years. Individuals under 40 with one of the above risk factors should get tested every one and a half to two years. Everyone 40 years or older should have a comprehensive eye examination every one and a half to two years. If you are 40 and have an additional risk factor listed above, get tested annually. Anyone with high risk factors should be tested every year or two after 35.
Who Is At Risk for Glaucoma?
You are at a higher than normal risk of getting glaucoma if you:
- are over age 40
- have family members with glaucoma
- are of African, Hispanic, or Asian heritage
- have high eye pressure
- are farsighted or nearsighted
- have had an eye injury
- use long-term steroid medications
- In the center thinning corneas
- the optic nerve is thinning
- have diabetes, migraines, high blood pressure, poor blood circulation or other health problems affecting the whole body
Talk with Dr. Affleck about your risk for getting glaucoma. Remember the more risk factors the even higher risk of glaucoma.
What is Glaucoma?

Comprehensive dilated eye exam
Not all eye exams are created equal. If you have received a “routine, or screening” eye exam it is very likely your eyes were not dilated and comprehensively examined. To Learn more about a comprehensive dilated eye exam click here

Everyone should understand what glaucoma is and how they can be at risk. Once glaucoma is detected Dr. Affleck can help you slow down or stop more damage. To learn more about glaucoma click here