First Time Visiting With Dr. Affleck?
You have asked around, read the reviews, learned more on his website. Now you are ready! It will be your first time visiting with Aaron J. Affleck, M.D. And visiting with Dr. Affleck is easy as 1 2 3 . . .
A call to your insurance is a good practice before setting up an appointment with any NEW doctor. Some time on the phone with your insurance company may save time later and money. Grab paper and pen and start by ask the following questions.
Is Aaron J. Affleck, M.D. a participating provider?
A participating provider also known as a preferred provider according to HealthCare.gov is “a provider who has a contract with your health insurer or plan to provide services to you at a discount. Check your policy to see if you can see all preferred providers or if your health insurance or plan has a “tiered” network and you must pay extra to see some providers. Your health insurance or plan may have preferred providers who are also “participating” providers. Participating providers also contract with your health insurer or plan, but the discount may not be as great, and you may have to pay more.”
Is a referral or other documentation required before visiting Aaron J. Affleck, M.D. ?
According to HealthCare.gov a referral is “A written order from your primary care doctor for you to see a specialist or get certain medical services. [In times Medicaid, Tricare and a few other private insurances require you obtaining] a referral before you can get medical care from anyone except your primary care doctor. If you don’t get a referral first, the plan may not pay for the services”
Will some services not be covered when visiting with Aaron J. Affleck M.D.?
Non-covered coverage are medical services and supplies your medical plan declares as medically unreasonable and unnecessary. A common non-covered service and supply is
Eye exams (routine) This is not true for Medical eye exams.
- Eye examinations for prescribing, fitting, or changing eyeglasses
- Eye refractions furnished by practitioners for any purpose
- Eyeglasses and contact lenses
To read more on Medical eye exams vs Vision eye exam click here.
When visiting with Aaron J. Affleck M.D. what will be my out of pocket costs?
To learn more about billing and insurance click here.
According to HealthCare.gov; Cost Sharing is “the share of costs covered by your insurance that you pay out of your own pocket. This term generally includes deductibles, coinsurance, and copayments, or similar charges, but it doesn’t include premiums, balance billing amounts for non-network providers, or the cost of non-covered services.”
At the first visit with your doctor do you feel like you are on a trivia game – about your life? A little preparation and notes can make the game successful!
The easiest and most complete way is to download, fill out and print our new patient paperwork.
Bring a list of the names of your prescriptions (with dosages), over-the-counter medication and vitamins
While you may feel embarrassed sharing personal health, Dr. Affleck will be better equipped keep you healthy with the more information you give. Being a medical doctor and surgeon gives him comprehensive experience.
Bring a list of current medical diagnoses for you and your family.
You will be asked about your medical history. This includes chronic conditions, d illnesses and your immediate family history.
Does your mother, father, sister or bother have:
- Arthritis
- Diabetes
- Cataract
- Hypertension
- Heart Disease
- Thyroid Disease
- Glaucoma
- Macular Degeneration
- Retinal detachment
- Crossed/ Lazy Eye
- Stroke
Bring a list of date of surgeries, and hospitalizations
If your surgeries were on eyes or eye lids, please include with eye or eye lid. The hospitalizations are for non-surgery stays.
A current medical insurance care
Your insurance requires you provide proof of insurance. This is done by allowing our office to copy a A current health plan identification card. A photo on your smart phone is not valid. Thank you in advance for your understanding.
A driver’s license, or another form of photo identification
At Affleck, M.D. Eye Care we take protecting your personal information seriously. Our staff is trained in HIPAA and handling your information. That being said, we are also required to verify your information. This means you providing documentation you are who you say you are. We must see and copy your photo identification. We must also keep a current photo of you on file.
Obtaining a Copy of Your Medical Records (Optional)
Dr. Affleck encourages you obtaining a copy of your medical records from your previous doctor(s) for his review. We do not charge for requesting records to our office. However to request a copy we must have written permission. Please provide fill out this form, ( Click Here) drop it off at the office and we will fax. Please allow time for a response from your previous doctor. It may take 5-31 days.
Information about other providers giving you care (optional)
Name, phone number and address of those providing you medical services is important information. If requested we can provide them with information about your visit. This allows coordination of care and a healthier you!