Eye Lid Lift Surgery

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Droopy eyelids can block your vision and significantly effect your lifestyle and health. Dr. Affleck performs a procedure called functional blepharoplasty, a surgical treatment which removes the excess skin above the eye to improve peripheral vision.  In most cases, when proved by tests, that your sight has been impaired from this heavy skin, your insurance will pay for this medically- necessary surgery.

The benefits from functional blepharoplasty are too great to pass up


We preform FREE screening to tell you if you might be eligible for the treatment by most insurance standards.  We have same day appointment. Your screening will be with one of our skilled ophthalmic tech.  After the screening she/he will call you within 3 days to let you know the results of the screening.


Signs and

This list is not inclusive

  • Frequent headaches (especially in the evening or night)
  • Frequent neckaches
  • Lifting eyelids for better vision
  • Lifting chin for better vision
  • Feels room seem dark
Elderly couple smiling and being playful


Droopy or heavy eye lids mostly occur due to aging.  However some other factor like genetics, chronic eyelid swelling, infections, allergies, trauma, or inflammatory conditions can play a part in the condition.


Most insurances require a test to show the percentage of blockage. You can either have a screening to tell if you qualify or schedule an appointment to see if you qualify.

The advantage of the screening is it is FREE and no obligations are required.  If you do not qualify a wait period is helpful. Therefore, you wait six month and try again.  The disadvantage is when you do qualify the test will need to be repeated during the exam with Dr. Affleck to meet insurance standards.


At the exam with Dr. Affleck he will need to document your decreased vision. He does this in several ways. One, he takes picture to show visually to your insurance that the lid is covering the pupil. He also will give results of a test to show the amount of decreased vision.  This test is called a Humphrey Visual Field.


This test will be preformed with your natural eyelid position.  Then is will be preformed with your eyelid lifted.  The difference between the two is the amount of blockage.


The goal of the surgery is to restore your decreased vision.  Meaning this is a functional eyelid surgery. Some individuals confuse it with a cosmic eyelid surgery. While the surgery does have positive outcomes of appearance. Our office does not do “adjustments” for appearance reasons only.

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Oh I would recommend him in a heartbeat, he does a good job, he's gentle, he explains everything to you, his bedside manner is great. He cares! ♥...
Elderly woman smiling while looking through fingers forming a heart


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After eye lid surgery twice with another surgeon, this is what Doug had to say about eye lid surgery with Aaron J. Affleck M.D.

The audio is by Doug, Dr. Affleck’s patient. The video is a representation of Doug, but not his  true image. Per Doug’s request.


Ask Aaron J. Affleck, M.D.

It all starts with an exam with Dr. Affleck. Call us at 208-523-6868

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