Preventive measures for eye pain when outdoors are simple: use a good hat, a good pair of UV-blocking sunglasses, and lubricating drops. Don’t forget the sunblock!
Aaron J. Affleck, M.D. who specializes in cataract surgery for Southeast, Idaho uses the ORA SYSTEM® with VerifEye+TM Technology. This device utilizes wavefront technology to obtain accurate readings during surgery. These real-time measurements are taken after the removal of the cloudy lens (known as a cataract). Once the cataract is removed Dr. Affleck can now validate post operative calculations with a clear view. ORA System technology also confirms the position of the new customized replacement lens in the eye. Dr. Affleck’s robust skills, combined with the dropless cataract technique and the ORA SYSTEM ensures an added critical layer of healing safety, customized accuracy, and optimized outcomes.
Your exam and consult with Dr. Affleck will last 60-90 minutes. This is because your pre-op is when you and Dr. Affleck design an in-depth successful plan for your surgery in Idaho Falls. During the exam you will be given several tests which may include OCT, Corneal Topography, Ocular biometry, IOL Master, Refraction test and Brightness Acuity Test.
Dr. Affleck uses his expert skills and state-of-art technology called phacoemulsification (fak-o-e-mul-sih-fih-KAY-shun) to remove the cataract.
After your cloudy lens is removed Dr. Aaron Affleck uses Alcon Optiwave Refractive Analysis (ORA) System attached to the surgical microscope. It creates a 3-D image of your eye during surgery. Then measures your eye, allowing Dr. Affleck to confirm pre-op calculations.
The system also guides Dr. Affleck with the placement of the implant.
After Dr. Affleck places your new lens called an IOL (intraocular lens) he places a special combinations of eye medication into your eye. This is called Dropless Cataract Surgery. Dr. Aaron Affleck was the first eye surgery in Idaho Falls, ID to provide Dropless Cataract Surgery to patients.
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Video Provided by Alcon
Video Provided by Alcon
Video Provided by Alcon